Thursday, December 12, 2019

Core competencies Management

Question: Identify and suggest a deployment strategy that will facilitate the success of a technologically driven organization. Answer: Introduction: The current assignment deals with the practical strategic direction for ABC Inc (a fictitious company). By highlighting the industry dynamics and need to enhance its performance, the study intends to identify the most effective technological innovation and relevant strategy to protect the innovation. Strategy- Taking tea machinery manufacturing company ABC Inc. based in The US and operating all across the world, the most suitable technology driven strategy for this organization can be to opt for ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning). As per the opinion of Plecka Bzdyra (2014), the ERP software implementation is efficient in integrating the applications in the company that facilitates the storing, management, collection and interpretation of the data. This company can opt for this software implementation to reduce its overall operations cost and enhance its efficiency in terms of production planning, costs, manufacturing, service delivery and sales and marketing. Core competencies- The major core competency for ABC Inc Company is to build in the context of the technological expertise as network connection, device installations and incorporations of the IT systems as ICT (Information and Communication Technology) and IS (Information System). The technical expertise of the human resource of the company is very important to be built properly to implement the ERP software and reap its benefits (Sklar, 2013). Industry Dynamics- The current company ABC Inc is a machinery manufacturing company operating in The US and worldwide. Initiating from a small company with only one factory house building, ABC is currently holding around 50 factories across the world. The manufacturing industry currently is under high competition which increases the requirement for a new and unique innovative strategy adoption to improve and maintain its performing ability and efficiency at the same time enabling the reduction in cost of operating (Sohn, 2014). Considering the ERP strategy selected for ABC Inc, it is highly relevant to meet the industry trends of providing clients with services at a lower price and high efficiency. The company can reduce costs by incorporating the ERP software into the system. The automation of the operations of the manufacturing department as production, assemblage of parts, final compilation and testing are the main operations to perform in ABC Inc to ensure the derivation of the benefits of ERP is i mportant. Technology Sourcing and Internal Innovation- The ABC Inc is working in a highly competitive market of manufacturing industry. The implementation of the ERP software package in the company requires the development of the innovative capabilities as assembling the varied operations together. To increase the innovative capabilities, the company can introduce a training session with qualified trainers to develop the technical competencies of the staffs. The implementation of a brainstorming session helps in developing innovative skills of the staffs efficiently (Johansson Muhic, 2013). Product Development Strategy- By organizing a brainstorming session with the technological staffs through providing them with goodie bags to find and come up with innovative product idea the ABC Company can ensure the development of an innovative product or product range. The strategy of providing the staffs of the RD with scope of innovations by the automated system of ERP involves the actions of training the technical staffs for a better efficiency, processing the market data and aligning them with the company resources to come up with a relevant and practically achievable product development (Banerjee Soberman, 2013). Strategy to protect innovations Although the technological innovations as ERP are highly beneficial for the company to reduce cost and increase efficiency, yet the innovations that are brought about through ERP can face issues of failures to achieve its expected goals exist (Yi, 2012). To prevent such issues regarding the innovations, the strategy of regular review and monitoring system can be helpful. The system of review and monitoring can assess the progress of the ERP implementation and the technical expertise development of the staffs. The ensuring of the adoption of appropriate software security and related software for high security and prevention of virus or malware infections of the system can prove effective in the protection of the innovation. Another major aspect that can be incorporated in this strategy is the involvement of regular tests as financial expense checks that are reduced after implementing the ERP software (Daim, 2011). Conclusion: This study thus concludes with the note that the ERP software implementation can prove as a highly efficient technological innovation strategy to adopt a technical organization. The ABC Company can focus on utilizing this strategy for cost reduction, efficiency enhancement, and new product development. The strategy of review and monitoring is effective in protecting the technological innovation of ERP. References Banerjee, S., Soberman, D. (2013). 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